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About The Trip

About the trip

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Why Next Step?

Next Step Israel Internships is a 5-week competitive internship, in Israel, for teens who want to experience working in a field of their choice. Teens will learn critical work skills through working in a field of their choice, spend time touring Israel, and personally connect to the land and our shared heritage through experiential learning.

Why should you apply to be an intern with Next Step Israel Internships?

Here are our top 10 reasons to join with other like minded teens on the best work-tour experience of a lifetime!

  1. Build your resume by adding a “work abroad” experience!
  2. Learn critical skills that employers look for in candidates
  3. Gain insights into your future career path through direct experience
  4. Tour Jerusalem nightly and Israel on the weekends while you work!
  5. Learn from accomplished business leaders in personalized workshops
  6. Meet other Jewish teens from New York and across the USA and Canada!
  7. Explore what a work life balance means through the lens of culture, identity, and community
  8. Experience Shabbat in Israel!
  9. Visit friends and family during our family weekend
  10. Israel has shwarma, and we are really hungry!